The SET Alliance is a community of visionary entities from around the world at the forefront of servitisation for clean and energy efficient technologies. The Alliance and its activities are dedicated to mainstreaming the servitisation model to accelerate decarbonisation of the built environment and the path to Net Zero.
SET Alliance members represent a diversity of innovative and successful companies engaged with servitisation and the development of energy efficient technologies and projects, ranging from technology providers, financial entities, and private and public entities and associations.
Membership of the SET Alliance provides organisations with tools and materials to support the deployment and adoption of the servitisation model. Organisations benefit from the wide network and long-standing expertise of the founding partners and have the opportunity to connect with collaborating entities.
The SET Alliance is a non-profit and self-funded initiative advancing the development of servitisation and generating business opportunities for its members.
Joining as a member and partner involves an annual investment of 5000 Euros per year.
This funding directly supports the activities of the Alliance to achieve its goals and mission. For any questions or special request, don’t hesitate to reach out to the secretariat at
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