
The EaaS Innovation Showcase Award is Open for Entries


The Servitisation for the Energy Transition (SET) Alliance launches the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award, a call for manufacturers, suppliers, or installers offering cleaner energy solutions ‘as-a-service’ -a model commonly referred to as Efficiency-as-a-Service (EaaS)- to win exclusive visibility among a network of experts and industry leaders! 

Implemented EaaS projects from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America can be entered before the 9th of September deadline to stand a chance of being selected!

About the SET Alliance

The main focus of the SET Alliance is to mainstream the adoption of the EaaS models, such as Cooling-as-a-Service (CaaS) and Light-as-a-Service (LaaS), around the world. For this, the SET team, led by the Swiss-based BASE Foundation, is working alongside its steering committee and its members on supporting the market to deploy these solutions. The team is doing so by developing tools (such as contracts and pricing models), capacity building, marketing material and specialised projects to accelerate the sustainable deployment of the model.

During the implementation of previous initiatives, we identified the value of exposing success stories to build trust across stakeholders. To support this activity, we are launching the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award.

What is the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award?

The Award provides the winner and qualified participants with the possibility to showcase their project throughout the SET Alliance and its partners’ networks. For this, the award entails resources to cover all costs related to the development of marketing material to be showcased on the SET website and throughout our virtual channels.

All qualified projects (those that comply with the SET principles below) will be featured on the website’s “news” page in an article brief.

The project selected in the top three positions will be invited to showcase their projects in a variety of SET events (including webinars). 

In addition, for the first prize winner, BASE will finance the production of a Case Study about the project to be shared within networks.

Who should apply and what are the criteria for selection?

SET calls on all companies who would like to showcase their EaaS servitisation projects to apply. Qualified participants must present concrete projects that must be completed or under an advanced degree of implementation (contract with end-customer signed). The projects can be implemented in any sector (commercial, public, healthcare, tourism, cold rooms, etc.).

The projects must embed the key features of an EaaS model, namely:

  1. The solution provider owns, maintains, and operates the asset/infrastructure.
  2. The EaaS service is sold per unit of output delivered, or with a similar price structure, generating value to the customer through output and not asset ownership.
  3. Ownership of the equipment is not transferred to the client during the duration of the project.
  4. The projects entail a service contract rather than a lease. It is accounted for as an off-balance rather than an on-balance expenditure for the user.
  5. Ideally, the costs of relevant utility bills (e.g. electricity, water) are paid by the solution provider, who therefore has an incentive to optimise efficiency performance.
  6. Users can exit the contract before it ends, without having to pay the full cost of the equipment.
  7. The technology used must be energy-efficient and generate savings.
  8. If the asset delivers cooling, the technology must use low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants or natural refrigerants.


Applications for the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award are open for projects implemented Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America.


Application for the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award is open until the 9th of September 2024.


To apply for the EaaS Innovation Showcase Award, please fill out the online form below with information on your project.